Green Mountain Energy Mobile App

Green Mountain Energy directly serves residential electricity customers who live in a deregulated utility service territory. These territories include Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Green Mountain Energy offers commercial and industrial customers renewable energy products, including renewable energy certificates (RECs) and carbon offsets, and sustainable business solutions through the Green Mountain Energy Solutions group.

GME’s Ask

This Leading US Retail Company reached out in an effort to define and deploy a mobile application that would differentiate their brand in the competitive residential energy market. The app would need to focus on reducing friction and increasing satisfaction, as well as incorporate a feature-set which plays on their unique positioning to increase brand loyalty.


GME’s Existing Pain Points

Prior to kick-off, the client supplied the our team with a list of current pain points that either their customers or their brand were experiencing.


01 - Sign In/Up Blockers

Consumers are not sure about their account details or the process to create an account.

02 - Autopay Complications

Stolen cards, expired cards trigger aggressive, off-brand language, with pink letters arriving at consumer houses.

03 - Renewals

Loyal costumers don't feel “rewarded”, price bumps with no context make people think about switching.


04 - Understanding of Energy Plans

Is it really green? People don’t know they can save money on plans more catered to their energy consumption

05 - Service Requests

Confusion for customers between the Service Provider and TDSP and who to go to for which issues.

06 - Anxiety on Predicted Rates

Users are not aware of it being a preview / they can change that outcome.


Setting the Stage

With the existing pain points in hand, we engaged in a 2-day kick-off that allowed us to rapidly agree on paths forward, key tactics, and goals for both the application and the client as a whole. These building blocks established in the kick-off were the catalyst to allow us to shape our 10-week Discovery & Design, which lead to a successful internal pitch to build and release the mobile application.


01 –  Differentiate the Client's brand in the energy market

02 – Secure a strategy for the client to reach $1B in revenue by 2020



Increase Customer Satisfaction

Keep the customers best interests in mind - be seen as a brand “who’s got your back.”

Information delivery that is relevant and easy to understand – empowering users to make decisions.

Reduce Existing Friction

Use of native mobile technology to facilitate processes.

Streamline mobile payments, focusing on transparency.

Increase Brand Loyalty

Highlight personalized value at the key moment of service renewal.

To be seen as a brand who cares about green initiatives.


Enhanced usage charts, allowing users to get in depth information about usage, increasing transparency with the customer. Lead to 73% increase in usage chart interaction over the web experience

Over the first two months, more than 27% of app users renewed their service, in comparison less than 1% of logged-in-mobile-website visitors did the same during the 9 week period since launch.

167% increase in customers interacting with payment history compared to web experience. 14% of mobile users were enrolled in Autopay, with half of those users enrolling during the first 2 months of the app's release.


Users can easily see the impact they are making to their community and environment, with up-to-date data equating their usage to tangible metrics.

Customers can easily sign up for initiatives with the brand, joining various program and groups, adding more ways for the brand to connect with users and keep them engaged.

Adding gamification to the application allowed users to more frequently interact with their energy provider; further emphasizing that they are a partner, and not just a service you owe money to every month.

Key Metrics

4.6/4.2 App Store Ratings

iOS averaged a 4.6 star rating with 28 reviews, compared to Android’s 4.2 star rating with 35 reviews.

3,160 Weekly Users

The mobile application averaged 3,160 unique weekly users over a period of 9 weeks since initial launch.

5.96 Weekly Visits

The app averaged 18,823 weekly visits over the period of 9 weeks. Only 3,015 (-13.8%) less total weekly visits than mobile web.

228% Increase in Visits

The 5.96 visits per visitor over this period of 9 weeks was a 228% lift over mobile web users' 2.61 visits/user.